Which movies are on sale right now? | Deals on streaming services

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2 titles
What Happened Was...
IDR 97,281IDR 81,040 -16.7%
New Material
IDR 2,436,084IDR 161,594 -93.4%
73 titles
IDR 99,000IDR 69,000 -30.3%
IDR 99,000IDR 69,000 -30.3%
IDR 119,000IDR 69,000 -42%
IDR 99,000IDR 89,000 -10.1%
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
IDR 99,000IDR 79,000 -20.2%
IDR 169,000IDR 99,000 -41.4%
School Daze
IDR 99,000IDR 69,000 -30.3%
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
IDR 119,000IDR 69,000 -42%
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
IDR 169,000IDR 69,000 -59.2%
Enter the Dragon
IDR 119,000IDR 39,000 -67.2%
66 titles
IDR 99,000IDR 69,000 -30.3%
IDR 99,000IDR 69,000 -30.3%
IDR 119,000IDR 69,000 -42%
IDR 99,000IDR 89,000 -10.1%
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
IDR 99,000IDR 79,000 -20.2%
IDR 169,000IDR 99,000 -41.4%
School Daze
IDR 99,000IDR 69,000 -30.3%
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
IDR 119,000IDR 69,000 -42%
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
IDR 169,000IDR 69,000 -59.2%
Enter the Dragon
IDR 119,000IDR 39,000 -67.2%
Apr 26, 2024
18 titles
IDR 99,000IDR 19,000 -80.8%
The Caine Mutiny
IDR 99,000IDR 19,000 -80.8%
IDR 99,000IDR 19,000 -80.8%
Fired Up!
IDR 99,000IDR 19,000 -80.8%
Stealing Cars
IDR 99,000IDR 19,000 -80.8%
Two Can Play That Game
IDR 99,000IDR 19,000 -80.8%
One Direction: This Is Us
IDR 99,000IDR 19,000 -80.8%
IDR 99,000IDR 19,000 -80.8%
The Oath
IDR 99,000IDR 19,000 -80.8%
IDR 99,000IDR 19,000 -80.8%
Apr 25, 2024
1 Title
New Year's Eve
IDR 28,000IDR 25,000 -10.7%
21 titles
IDR 99,000IDR 29,000 -70.7%
IDR 109,000IDR 29,000 -73.4%
IDR 119,000IDR 29,000 -75.6%
IDR 109,000IDR 29,000 -73.4%
The Bourne Identity
IDR 109,000IDR 49,000 -55%
Pacific Rim: Uprising
IDR 109,000IDR 29,000 -73.4%
Violent Night
IDR 129,000IDR 29,000 -77.5%
IDR 99,000IDR 29,000 -70.7%
47 Ronin
IDR 109,000IDR 29,000 -73.4%
The Mask of Zorro
IDR 119,000IDR 29,000 -75.6%
Apr 24, 2024
1 Title
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
IDR 139,000IDR 119,000 -14.4%
Apr 22, 2024
16 titles
Spider-Man: No Way Home
IDR 29,000IDR 25,000 -13.8%
Trick or Treat Scooby-Doo!
IDR 29,000IDR 25,000 -13.8%
A Better Tomorrow II
IDR 69,000IDR 39,000 -43.5%
A Chinese Ghost Story III
IDR 69,000IDR 39,000 -43.5%
Once a Thief
IDR 69,000IDR 39,000 -43.5%
A Chinese Ghost Story II
IDR 69,000IDR 39,000 -43.5%
Viva Erotica
IDR 69,000IDR 39,000 -43.5%
Shanghai Grand
IDR 69,000IDR 39,000 -43.5%
Sun Moon
IDR 109,000IDR 99,000 -9.2%
Double Tap
IDR 69,000IDR 39,000 -43.5%