My Freaky Family


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On the cusp of her 13th birthday, Betty Flood - budding musician and magical being - just wants to be like the rest of her fabulous, but very different family, so why is her magical Mum so against it? As Betty wrestles with this, she also learns the amazing truth about her family and discovers that the not so normal, the magical and the musical are all a part of her fabulously freaky family.


Animazione, Fantasy, Famiglia


1h 26min

Paese di produzione

Irlanda, Australia, Germania


Evanna Lynch
Betty Flood
Miranda Otto
Aneska Flood
Ardal O'Hanlon
Nerlin Flood
Richard Roxburgh
King Murkhart
Charlotte Friels
Rupert Degas
Ed Byrne
Neil Delamere
Staniel Flood
Sarah Aubrey
Silent and Morbid Flood
Erin Choy