Gustáv Husák Centre Stage



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Gustáv Husák Centre Stage - オンライン視聴 動画配信 購入 レンタル

現在の「Gustáv Husák Centre Stage」の視聴情報: 「Gustáv Husák Centre Stage」 は DocAlliance Films で配信中です。 DocAlliance Films で配信版のレンタルができます。配信版を購入してダウンロードする場合は DocAlliance Films です.


Memories of eyewitnesses, a portrait of a left-wing intellectual viewed from different angles and illustrated with archive materials and a theatre mis-en-scene. A man who used power to promote the Communist Party policy in Slovakia only to become its victim when sentenced to life. A story of a career politic who became a representative of the Prague Spring when released, and then ended up being a president of oblivion, an icon of normalization and decay of the Czechoslovak state.


ドキュメンタリー, Made in Europe


1h 58min

Production country

