Jan Hus: A Mass for Three Dead Men



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Jan Hus - mse za tri mrtvé muze - オンライン視聴 動画配信 購入 レンタル

現在の「Jan Hus: A Mass for Three Dead Men」の視聴情報: 「Jan Hus: A Mass for Three Dead Men」 は DocAlliance Films で配信中です。 DocAlliance Films で配信版のレンタルができます。配信版を購入してダウンロードする場合は DocAlliance Films です.


Jan Hus - A Mass for Three Dead Men tries to recover the legacy of the medieval reformist priest Jan Hus who was burnt to death by inquisition for his criticism and calling for reformation of the Catholic Church in 1415. The story takes place in the late 20th Century and relates to history of territory recently known as the Eastern Block. Jan Hus introduces three individuals - Ryszard Siwiec, Oskar Brüsewitz, and Graham Bamford, who set themselves on fire to protest against the political regimes in which they lived, and against which they had struggled.


ドキュメンタリー, Made in Europe


1h 16min

Production country



Miroslav Bambušek


Natália Drabiščáková
Maria Siwiecová