Which movies are on sale right now? | Deals on streaming services

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14 titles
Jurassic World Dominion
NOK 99NOK 79 -20.2%
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore
NOK 109NOK 49 -55%
NOK 49NOK 39 -20.4%
NOK 49NOK 39 -20.4%
Thor: Love and Thunder
NOK 49NOK 39 -20.4%
The Good Boss
NOK 139NOK 69 -50.4%
The Counselor
NOK 99NOK 39 -60.6%
Black Beauty
NOK 99NOK 69 -30.3%
NOK 79NOK 49 -38%
NOK 47NOK 24 -50%
7 titles
Jurassic World Dominion
NOK 99NOK 79 -20.2%
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore
NOK 109NOK 49 -55%
NOK 49NOK 39 -20.4%
NOK 49NOK 39 -20.4%
Thor: Love and Thunder
NOK 49NOK 39 -20.4%
The Good Boss
NOK 139NOK 69 -50.4%
NOK 79NOK 49 -38%
2 titles
The Counselor
NOK 99NOK 39 -60.6%
Black Beauty
NOK 99NOK 69 -30.3%
1 Title
NOK 99NOK 79 -20.2%
2 titles
1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture
NOK 143NOK 22 -84.6%
New Material
NOK 1,656NOK 110 -93.4%
263 titles
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
NOK 99NOK 49 -50.5%
The Shining
NOK 99NOK 79 -20.2%
Bullet Train
NOK 49NOK 39 -20.4%
Eyes Wide Shut
NOK 49NOK 39 -20.4%
Alvin and the Chipmunks
NOK 99NOK 49 -50.5%
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
NOK 129NOK 69 -46.5%
The Expendables
NOK 49NOK 45 -8.2%
The Man Who Loved Yngve
NOK 39NOK 29 -25.6%
Oslo, August 31st
NOK 39NOK 29 -25.6%
Spider-Man: No Way Home
NOK 49NOK 39 -20.4%
1 Title
Joy Ride
NOK 49NOK 39 -20.4%
43 titles
Alvin and the Chipmunks
NOK 99NOK 49 -50.5%
The Quiet Girl
NOK 59NOK 49 -16.9%
The Night Before
NOK 99NOK 79 -20.2%
The Eight Mountains
NOK 59NOK 49 -16.9%
High Heat
NOK 59NOK 49 -16.9%
Despicable Me 2
NOK 79NOK 69 -12.7%
The Swan Princess
NOK 99NOK 79 -20.2%
Asterix & Obelix: The Middle Kingdom
NOK 59NOK 49 -16.9%
The Conference
NOK 59NOK 49 -16.9%
Torn Hearts
NOK 59NOK 49 -16.9%