Which movies are on sale right now? | Deals on streaming services

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2 titles
NOK 109NOK 99 -9.2%
Goodbye Christopher Robin
NOK 159NOK 139 -12.6%
23 titles
Alvin and the Chipmunks
NOK 99NOK 49 -50.5%
The Others
NOK 109NOK 69 -36.7%
NOK 109NOK 99 -9.2%
Joy Ride
NOK 49NOK 39 -20.4%
Project X
NOK 99NOK 89 -10.1%
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
NOK 39NOK 29 -25.6%
The Lady Vanishes
NOK 149NOK 39 -73.8%
Rock of Ages
NOK 99NOK 79 -20.2%
Goodbye Christopher Robin
NOK 159NOK 139 -12.6%
NOK 99NOK 79 -20.2%
1 Title
Joy Ride
NOK 49NOK 39 -20.4%
5 titles
Alvin and the Chipmunks
NOK 99NOK 49 -50.5%
The Jungle Bunch
NOK 49NOK 29 -40.8%
Ella Bella Bingo
NOK 79NOK 49 -38%
Blinky Bill the Movie
NOK 79NOK 49 -38%
Tall Tales from the Magical Garden of Antoon Krings
NOK 79NOK 49 -38%
2 titles
NOK 99NOK 79 -20.2%
9 titles
The Others
NOK 109NOK 69 -36.7%
Project X
NOK 99NOK 89 -10.1%
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
NOK 39NOK 29 -25.6%
The Lady Vanishes
NOK 149NOK 39 -73.8%
Rock of Ages
NOK 99NOK 79 -20.2%
The Great Race
NOK 99NOK 79 -20.2%
The Jungle Bunch
NOK 199NOK 49 -75.4%
The Gruffalo's Child
NOK 29NOK 19 -34.5%
Jungle Bunch: Back to the Ice Floe
NOK 29NOK 19 -34.5%
3 titles
Scooby-Doo! The Sword and the Scoob
NOK 59NOK 49 -16.9%
The Jungle Bunch
NOK 79NOK 49 -38%
Thomas & Friends: Blue Mountain Mystery - The Movie
NOK 79NOK 49 -38%
4 titles
Bob Marley: One Love
NOK 199NOK 169 -15.1%
NOK 89NOK 79 -11.2%
What to Expect When You're Expecting
NOK 129NOK 69 -46.5%
Hope Springs
NOK 129NOK 69 -46.5%