Anti Reset

Anti Reset


Pôvodný názov: 恆久定律

1 Sezóny

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Najnovšie epizódy


When Chu Yi Ping, an emotionless man, dislocates his hand in an accident at school, his uncle gives him Ever 9 as a caretaker, an experimental intelligent robot that his company is secretly testing. Although Yi Ping is reluctant at the beginning, he finds that Ever 9 complements his deficiencies and makes him feel the companionship. Yi Ping asks Ever 9 to make a wish and complete the wish list together, but before the list completed, Ever 9 breaks down. The repair only takes a week, Ever 9 is about to be reset. After the reset, Ever 9 rushes to complete the wish list and posing as if he is bored with Yi Ping and actively asking for a return. Yi Ping doesn’t know what’s wrong with Ever 9, because he has learned from it how to be human and experience love. Can’t he learn how to be together for life? Is the promise of not leaving each other null and void?


IMDB 6.2


Dráma, Sci-fi, Romantika

Hrací čas

25 min

Krajina výroby



Wu Ping Chen
Chu Yi Ping
Huang Li Feng
Ever 9