第 4 季

邪恶 - 第 4 季


Coming soon

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Streaming release date (台灣)

邪恶 第 4 季 will be available to watch in spring 2024. We don't have any streaming information yet but we'll let you know as soon as it is available.


In Season 4 Kristen, David, and Ben embark on a series of new cases, investigating all sorts of demonic infestations and supposed miracles. The trio also has a new boss: Father Frank takes over as the church official in charge of assigning their cases.

6 集


Crime, Drama, Mystery & Thriller, Horror



Production country



Katja Herbers
Dr Kristen Bouchard
Mike Colter
David Acosta
Aasif Mandvi
Ben Shakir
Michael Emerson
Dr Leland Townsend
Brooklyn Shuck
Lynn Bouchard
Skylar Gray
Lila Bouchard
Maddy Crocco
Lexis Bouchard
Dalya Knapp
Laura Bouchard
Andrea Martin
Sister Andrea
Kurt Fuller
Dr. Kurt Boggs
Christine Lahti
Sheryl Luria
Marti Matulis
George / The Marriage Demon / Bat Demon / The Manager