

Titre Original: Дикая

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Aspiring model Alena dreams of conquering Moscow. Once at a party, she meets Yegor, who offers to fly on his plane to Nice. However, instead of a premium resort, they fly to Yakutsk. Egor does not remember the details of yesterday evening, but he remembers that he has an important meeting in Yakutsk. He promises Alena to send her home tomorrow, but for now he will show her the beauties of nature on the banks of the Lena, which you will not see in Nice. They go on a boat to wild places, where Egor jumps from a cliff into the water. And it doesn't float. Alena is left alone in the middle of a river in the Yakut taiga.


IMDB 5.0




1h 47min

Pays de production



Vladimir Kott


Taisiya Vilkova
Aleksei Kravchenko
Ilyana Pavlova
Igor Savochkin
Amadu Mamadakov
Dimitriy Krasilov
Sergey Dvoynikov
Irina Bezryadnova
Timur Efremenkov
Dariya Kulish