The Biggest Moon


Titre Original: Самая большая луна

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Emers are superhumans endowed with unusual abilities. They can control human emotions and feel no pain. However, they are unable to truly love. One day, their world is under threat, and Denis, a young half-breed emer, goes in search of the chosen one who can save everyone.


Drame, Fantastique, Action & Aventure


1h 40min

Pays de production



Alexey Popogrebsky


Simona Kust
Ivan Ivashov
Aristarkh Venes
Natalya Tsvetkova
Vasily Bashmakov
Filipp Yankovsky
Aleksandr Grishin
Vladimir Gartsunov
Artem Kisakov
Ivan Kaporin
Ilya Vinogorsky
Nina Gizbrekht
Tatyana Tikhmenyova
Nikita Serkov