The Tundra Within Me

The Tundra Within Me


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After living for many years in Oslo, Lena moves back to Sápmi in Northern Norway with her young son to explore Sami gender in an art project. While researching in the wintry tundra, she falls in love with reindeer herder Máhtte - whose mother, the head of the family, disapproves of the relationship. As decisions from the past come to haunt her, Lena struggles to find out whether her and Máhtte's lifestyles can ever be compatible.


IMDB 7.4




1h 35min

Pays de production



Sara Margrethe Oskal


Anitta Suikkari
Sverre Porsanger
Ebba Joks
Egil Keskitalo
Aslat Mahtte Gaup
Ingá Márjá Sarre