9 by Design


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Meet husband and wife design team Bob and Cortney Novogratz, owners of the NYC based design firm, Sixx Design, and stars of "9 by Design." The series follows the couple over the course of six months, during which they worked on six large-scale design projects including a 24-room hotel on the New Jersey Shore called The Bungalow Hotel, a 10,000 square foot glass house on Manhattan's West Side Highway and a home conversion of a gun shop located on the edge of Soho. Both hailing from large Southern families, Bob and Cortney shared the desire to have a lot of kids and are parents to seven children -- Wolfgang, 12, twins Bellamy and Tallulah, 10, Breaker, 8, twins Five and Holleder, 4. At the close of the premiere episode, Cortney goes into labor with the newest addition to the family, a son, Major. New York City may not be the typical place to raise a large and growing family, but for the Novogratz family there's no place they'd rather be."

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IMDB 6.8


Reality TV



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Etats Unis
