The Grandmothers of the Revolution


Původní název: Babice revolucije

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Slovenian director Petra Seliskar investigates the role of ideology in her personal family history by means of interviews with her paternal grandfather, her Macedonian boyfriend Brand's maternal grandmother and his Cuban grandmother on his father's side. Illustrated by archive footage and home movies, her voice-over describes her family's personal story, Yugoslavia under Tito, and the recent war, accompanied by some particularly shocking footage. The nature shots and the alternation of classical, popular and revolutionary music occasionally lend the stories a light-hearted tone.


IMDB 8.6


Dokumentární, Děti & rodina, Made in Europe

Doba zpracování

1h 30min

Země výroby

Makedonie, Nizozemí, Slovinsko, Kuba


Petra Seliškar
