blur: To the End


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blur: To the End follows the unique relationship of four friends - and bandmates of three decades - Damon Albarn, Graham Coxon, Alex James and Dave Rowntree as they came together in early 2023 to record new songs ahead of their sold-out, first ever shows at London’s Wembley Stadium in July last summer. Featuring performances of their most iconic, much-loved songs, footage of the band in the studio and life on the road, blur: To The End is an intimate moment in time with this most enduring of English bands, who have been at the heart of British cultural life and influence for over three decades.


Documentaire, Musique & Comédie Musicale


1h 42min

Pays de production



Toby L


Damon Albarn
Alex James
Graham Coxon
Dave Rowntree