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Squish! is a meditation on the self through lurid and liquid forms; filtered through both old and foreseeable technology informed by Thai animation history and contemporary culture, and a constant process of constructing and deforming new selves to simulate ‘movements’. By extrapolating and redefining the terms of ‘movement’, be it through psychological, physical or political understandings, the work interweaves the medium of animation with a state of depression.


Animation, Documentaire



Pays de production

Singapour, Thaïlande


Tulapop Saenjaroen


Anongnart Yusanon
Aacharee Ungsriwong
Brett Burgs
Prakarn Ratanachamnong
Ploy Thammapiranon
Time Chotivilaivanit
Surached Pakdeesan
Tanchanok Musikatham
Napat Shinawatra
Amonsiri Yamakupt