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Entangled 보기 - 스트리밍, 구매, 대여

현재 DocAlliance Films 에서 "Entangled" 스트리밍 서비스 중입니다. 또한 DocAlliance Films 에서 대여가 가능하며 중이며 DocAlliance Films 에서 유료 다운로드하실 수 있습니다.


“In quantum physics, if two particles interact in a certain way and then become separated, regardless of how distant they are from each other they will share a state known as ‘quantum entanglement.’ That is, they will keep sharing information despite their separation. This theory used to upset Einstein. In his theory of relativity, no transmission of information could occur faster than the speed of light, therefore he couldn’t understand how the two particles could be simultaneously connected.”—Riccardo Giacconi


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Riccardo Giacconi
