Which movies are on sale right now? | Deals on streaming services

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4 titles
Life as It Should Be
€4.99€2.99 -40.1%
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
€14.99€4.99 -66.7%
Where the Crawdads Sing
€4.99€2.99 -40.1%
Redeeming Love
€3.99€2.99 -25.1%
3 titles
The Wrath of Becky
€4.99€3.99 -20%
Bring It On: All or Nothing
€2.99€1.99 -33.4%
Prancer: A Christmas Tale
€3.99€2.99 -25.1%
1 Title
What Happened Was...
€9.33€4.66 -50.1%
88 titles
Life as It Should Be
€4.99€2.99 -40.1%
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
€14.99€4.99 -66.7%
Where the Crawdads Sing
€4.99€2.99 -40.1%
The Lobster
€9.99€4.99 -50.1%
Vantage Point
€9.99€7.99 -20%
Apocalypse Now
€9.99€7.99 -20%
Pride & Prejudice
€9.99€7.99 -20%
Love Actually
€9.99€7.99 -20%
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
€4.99€3.99 -20%
The Addams Family
€9.99€3.99 -60.1%
10 titles
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
€14.99€4.99 -66.7%
The Addams Family
€9.99€3.99 -60.1%
€16.99€11.99 -29.4%
The Hangover Part III
€7.99€2.99 -62.6%
Jackass Number Two
€10.99€3.99 -63.7%
Eagle Eye
€10.99€9.99 -9.1%
€13.99€7.99 -42.9%
Lost in Space
€8.99€7.99 -11.1%
€10.99€9.99 -9.1%
Against the Wild
€7.99€4.99 -37.5%
67 titles
The Lobster
€9.99€4.99 -50.1%
Vantage Point
€9.99€7.99 -20%
Apocalypse Now
€9.99€7.99 -20%
Pride & Prejudice
€9.99€7.99 -20%
Love Actually
€9.99€7.99 -20%
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
€4.99€3.99 -20%
Total Recall
€9.99€7.99 -20%
Total Recall
€9.99€7.99 -20%
About a Boy
€9.99€7.99 -20%
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
€9.99€7.99 -20%
1 Title
Madame Web
€19.99€13.99 -30%
9 titles
Madame Web
€17.99€14.99 -16.7%
€16.99€9.99 -41.2%
€11.99€9.99 -16.7%
Anna Karenina
€9.99€7.99 -20%
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
€3.99€2.99 -25.1%
Couples Retreat
€9.99€6.99 -30%
€9.99€7.99 -20%
€3.99€2.99 -25.1%
The Drop
€9.99€8.99 -10%