Which movies are on sale right now? | Deals on streaming services

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2 titles
What Happened Was...
SGD 13.62SGD 8.16 -40.1%
New Material
SGD 204.39SGD 13.55 -93.4%
183 titles
Draft Day
SGD 24.98SGD 15.98 -36%
The Super Mario Bros. Movie
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
SGD 22.98SGD 14.98 -34.8%
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
SGD 20.98SGD 13.98 -33.4%
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
Last Night in Soho
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
Cocaine Bear
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
Inside Man
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
153 titles
Draft Day
SGD 24.98SGD 15.98 -36%
The Super Mario Bros. Movie
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
SGD 22.98SGD 14.98 -34.8%
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
Last Night in Soho
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
Cocaine Bear
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
Inside Man
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
The Bourne Supremacy
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
23 titles
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
SGD 20.98SGD 13.98 -33.4%
Resident Evil: Apocalypse
SGD 22.98SGD 9.98 -56.6%
SGD 12.98SGD 1.98 -84.7%
Chak De! India
SGD 5.98SGD 4.98 -16.7%
SGD 5.98SGD 4.98 -16.7%
Black Sabbath: Live... Gathered In Their Masses
SGD 19.98SGD 14.98 -25%
My Lucky Stars
SGD 5.98SGD 4.98 -16.7%
The House next Door
SGD 5.98SGD 4.98 -16.7%
SGD 17.98SGD 8.98 -50.1%
SGD 17.98SGD 15.98 -11.1%
304 titles
Dumb Money
SGD 26.98SGD 14.98 -44.5%
SGD 5.98SGD 4.98 -16.7%
SGD 24.98SGD 15.98 -36%
Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood
SGD 22.98SGD 14.98 -34.8%
American Made
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
SGD 22.98SGD 17.98 -21.8%
The Northman
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
The Green Mile
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
Little Women
SGD 22.98SGD 14.98 -34.8%
Baby Driver
SGD 22.98SGD 14.98 -34.8%
303 titles
Dumb Money
SGD 26.98SGD 14.98 -44.5%
SGD 5.98SGD 4.98 -16.7%
SGD 24.98SGD 15.98 -36%
Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood
SGD 22.98SGD 14.98 -34.8%
American Made
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
SGD 22.98SGD 17.98 -21.8%
The Northman
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
The Green Mile
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
Little Women
SGD 22.98SGD 14.98 -34.8%
Baby Driver
SGD 22.98SGD 14.98 -34.8%
Apr 26, 2024
294 titles
SGD 5.98SGD 4.98 -16.7%
SGD 22.98SGD 14.98 -34.8%
The Equalizer 3
SGD 26.98SGD 14.98 -44.5%
SGD 20.98SGD 12.98 -38.1%
Kung Fu Panda
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
The Last Voyage of the Demeter
SGD 5.98SGD 4.98 -16.7%
Five Nights at Freddy's
SGD 5.98SGD 4.98 -16.7%
The Big Lebowski
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
No Hard Feelings
SGD 23.98SGD 14.98 -37.5%
Back to the Future
SGD 4.98SGD 3.98 -20.1%
17 titles
SGD 5.98SGD 4.98 -16.7%
SGD 12.98SGD 4.98 -61.6%
SGD 12.98SGD 4.98 -61.6%
Tad, the Lost Explorer and the Emerald Tablet
SGD 5.98SGD 4.98 -16.7%
Fired Up!
SGD 12.98SGD 4.98 -61.6%
The Caine Mutiny
SGD 12.98SGD 4.98 -61.6%
One Direction: This Is Us
SGD 12.98SGD 4.98 -61.6%
Mardi Gras: Spring Break
SGD 12.98SGD 4.98 -61.6%
Red Sands
SGD 12.98SGD 4.98 -61.6%
The Infernal Machine
SGD 5.98SGD 4.98 -16.7%