Which movies are on sale right now? | Deals on streaming services

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2 titles
What Happened Was...
CA$ 13.56CA$ 6.78 -50%
New Material
CA$ 203.43CA$ 13.49 -93.4%
500 titles
The Talented Mr. Ripley
CA$ 16.99CA$ 4.99 -70.6%
CA$ 16.99CA$ 13.99 -17.7%
One Day
CA$ 9.99CA$ 7.99 -20%
The To Do List
CA$ 14.99CA$ 4.99 -66.7%
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
CA$ 74.99CA$ 15.99 -78.7%
CA$ 19.99CA$ 14.99 -25%
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again
CA$ 17.99CA$ 14.99 -16.7%
Catch Me If You Can
CA$ 16.99CA$ 9.99 -41.2%
The Town
CA$ 9.99CA$ 7.99 -20%
CA$ 9.99CA$ 6.99 -30%
500 titles
The Talented Mr. Ripley
CA$ 16.99CA$ 4.99 -70.6%
CA$ 16.99CA$ 13.99 -17.7%
One Day
CA$ 9.99CA$ 7.99 -20%
The To Do List
CA$ 14.99CA$ 4.99 -66.7%
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
CA$ 74.99CA$ 15.99 -78.7%
CA$ 19.99CA$ 14.99 -25%
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again
CA$ 17.99CA$ 14.99 -16.7%
Catch Me If You Can
CA$ 16.99CA$ 9.99 -41.2%
The Town
CA$ 9.99CA$ 7.99 -20%
CA$ 9.99CA$ 6.99 -30%
15 titles
I Eat Your Skin
CA$ 12.99CA$ 9.99 -23.1%
Escape from Sobibor
CA$ 9.99CA$ 6.99 -30%
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians
CA$ 12.99CA$ 6.99 -46.2%
Slave of the Cannibal God
CA$ 9.99CA$ 6.99 -30%
Carter's Army
CA$ 3.99CA$ 1.99 -50.1%
The Disappearance of Flight 412
CA$ 9.99CA$ 6.99 -30%
A Christmas Without Snow
CA$ 3.99CA$ 1.99 -50.1%
Till the Clouds Roll By
CA$ 3.99CA$ 1.99 -50.1%
Planet of Dinosaurs
CA$ 12.99CA$ 9.99 -23.1%
Mother Riley Meets the Vampire
CA$ 3.99CA$ 2.99 -25.1%
500 titles
One Day
CA$ 9.99CA$ 7.99 -20%
The To Do List
CA$ 14.99CA$ 4.99 -66.7%
CA$ 19.99CA$ 14.99 -25%
Catch Me If You Can
CA$ 16.99CA$ 9.99 -41.2%
The Town
CA$ 9.99CA$ 7.99 -20%
CA$ 9.99CA$ 6.99 -30%
School of Rock
CA$ 16.99CA$ 9.99 -41.2%
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
CA$ 14.99CA$ 6.99 -53.4%
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
CA$ 16.99CA$ 9.99 -41.2%
CA$ 19.99CA$ 9.99 -50%
51 titles
CA$ 16.99CA$ 13.99 -17.7%
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
CA$ 74.99CA$ 15.99 -78.7%
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again
CA$ 17.99CA$ 14.99 -16.7%
A Star Is Born
CA$ 15.99CA$ 13.99 -12.5%
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
CA$ 30.99CA$ 18.99 -38.7%
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
CA$ 26.99CA$ 14.99 -44.5%
CA$ 22.99CA$ 12.99 -43.5%
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
CA$ 18.99CA$ 14.99 -21.1%
The Girl in the Spider's Web
CA$ 33.99CA$ 15.99 -53%
The Lego Movie
CA$ 15.99CA$ 10.99 -31.3%
36 titles
The Talented Mr. Ripley
CA$ 16.99CA$ 4.99 -70.6%
Tropic Thunder
CA$ 17.99CA$ 16.99 -5.6%
CA$ 16.99CA$ 4.99 -70.6%
CA$ 16.99CA$ 4.99 -70.6%
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
CA$ 17.99CA$ 4.99 -72.3%
CA$ 4.99CA$ 3.99 -20%
Star Trek Into Darkness
CA$ 16.99CA$ 9.99 -41.2%
Cat Person
CA$ 14.99CA$ 9.99 -33.4%
Star Trek Beyond
CA$ 16.99CA$ 9.99 -41.2%
Son of God
CA$ 19.99CA$ 9.99 -50%
203 titles
The Accountant
CA$ 14.99CA$ 7.99 -46.7%
Bleed for This
CA$ 14.99CA$ 9.99 -33.4%
The Da Vinci Code
CA$ 19.99CA$ 9.99 -50%
CA$ 12.99CA$ 7.99 -38.5%
The Nice Guys
CA$ 12.99CA$ 6.99 -46.2%
We Own the Night
CA$ 14.99CA$ 9.99 -33.4%
Saving Private Ryan
CA$ 14.99CA$ 9.99 -33.4%
CA$ 16.99CA$ 4.99 -70.6%
The Departed
CA$ 12.99CA$ 7.99 -38.5%
Mystic River
CA$ 9.99CA$ 7.99 -20%