Shakespea Re di Napoli


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Shakespea Re di Napoli contains the most fascinating mystery in the history of world literature. For whom were the Sonnets written that the great English playwright dedicated to a mysterious Mr. W.H.? We are in the early seventeenth century. Desiderio returns to Naples after an adventurous shipwreck and reunites with his old friend Zoroaster. He tells him that he lived in London for a long time and became the greatest interpreter of the English playwright's female characters. The comparison of the Elizabethan theater with the words of Baroque Naples ignites a symphony of feelings in which tenderness, nostalgia and courage sharpen the lives of the protagonists.




1h 30min

Pays de production



Alessandro Preziosi
Jacopo Rampini
William Shakespeare
Giovanni Esposito
Elio De Capitani
Peppe Servillo