Which movies are on sale right now? | Deals on streaming services

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500 titles
CA$ 14.99CA$ 7.99 -46.7%
The Bricklayer
CA$ 19.99CA$ 16.99 -15%
Everything Everywhere All at Once
CA$ 24.99CA$ 22.99 -8%
Family Practice
CA$ 4.99CA$ 3.99 -20%
Suicide Squad
CA$ 25.99CA$ 14.99 -42.3%
CA$ 14.99CA$ 9.99 -33.4%
CA$ 4.99CA$ 3.99 -20%
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
CA$ 42.99CA$ 14.99 -65.1%
CA$ 14.99CA$ 10.99 -26.7%
Margin Call
CA$ 14.99CA$ 10.99 -26.7%
500 titles
CA$ 14.99CA$ 7.99 -46.7%
The Bricklayer
CA$ 19.99CA$ 16.99 -15%
Everything Everywhere All at Once
CA$ 24.99CA$ 22.99 -8%
Family Practice
CA$ 4.99CA$ 3.99 -20%
Suicide Squad
CA$ 25.99CA$ 14.99 -42.3%
CA$ 14.99CA$ 9.99 -33.4%
CA$ 4.99CA$ 3.99 -20%
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
CA$ 42.99CA$ 14.99 -65.1%
CA$ 14.99CA$ 10.99 -26.7%
Margin Call
CA$ 14.99CA$ 10.99 -26.7%
9 titles
Escape from Sobibor
CA$ 9.99CA$ 6.99 -30%
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians
CA$ 12.99CA$ 6.99 -46.2%
Slave of the Cannibal God
CA$ 9.99CA$ 6.99 -30%
Carter's Army
CA$ 3.99CA$ 1.99 -50.1%
The Disappearance of Flight 412
CA$ 9.99CA$ 6.99 -30%
Till the Clouds Roll By
CA$ 3.99CA$ 1.99 -50.1%
A Christmas Without Snow
CA$ 3.99CA$ 1.99 -50.1%
Lancelot and Guinevere
CA$ 9.99CA$ 6.99 -30%
The Bronx Executioner
CA$ 9.99CA$ 6.99 -30%
500 titles
CA$ 14.99CA$ 7.99 -46.7%
The Bricklayer
CA$ 19.99CA$ 16.99 -15%
Everything Everywhere All at Once
CA$ 24.99CA$ 22.99 -8%
Family Practice
CA$ 4.99CA$ 3.99 -20%
Suicide Squad
CA$ 25.99CA$ 14.99 -42.3%
CA$ 14.99CA$ 9.99 -33.4%
CA$ 4.99CA$ 3.99 -20%
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
CA$ 42.99CA$ 14.99 -65.1%
CA$ 14.99CA$ 10.99 -26.7%
Margin Call
CA$ 14.99CA$ 10.99 -26.7%
500 titles
CA$ 14.99CA$ 7.99 -46.7%
The Bricklayer
CA$ 19.99CA$ 16.99 -15%
Everything Everywhere All at Once
CA$ 24.99CA$ 22.99 -8%
Family Practice
CA$ 4.99CA$ 3.99 -20%
Suicide Squad
CA$ 25.99CA$ 14.99 -42.3%
CA$ 14.99CA$ 9.99 -33.4%
CA$ 4.99CA$ 3.99 -20%
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
CA$ 42.99CA$ 14.99 -65.1%
CA$ 14.99CA$ 10.99 -26.7%
Margin Call
CA$ 14.99CA$ 10.99 -26.7%
25 titles
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
CA$ 18.99CA$ 14.99 -21.1%
CA$ 16.99CA$ 13.99 -17.7%
San Andreas
CA$ 26.99CA$ 15.99 -40.8%
Bad Moms
CA$ 17.99CA$ 14.99 -16.7%
The Lego Movie
CA$ 15.99CA$ 10.99 -31.3%
CA$ 46.99CA$ 15.99 -66%
X-Men: Apocalypse
CA$ 129.99CA$ 24.99 -80.8%
The Lego Batman Movie
CA$ 17.99CA$ 15.99 -11.1%
Cars 3
CA$ 48.99CA$ 24.99 -49%
Daddy's Home
CA$ 29.99CA$ 17.99 -40%
2 titles
What Happened Was...
CA$ 8.17CA$ 6.80 -16.8%
New Material
CA$ 204.68CA$ 13.57 -93.4%
500 titles
Anyone But You
CA$ 6.99CA$ 5.99 -14.3%
The Beekeeper
CA$ 19.99CA$ 16.99 -15%
Shutter Island
CA$ 24.99CA$ 6.99 -72%
The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes
CA$ 5.99CA$ 0.99 -83.5%
Mission: Impossible
CA$ 19.99CA$ 6.99 -65%
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
CA$ 4.99CA$ 3.99 -20%
The Shawshank Redemption
CA$ 21.99CA$ 14.99 -31.8%
The Pod Generation
CA$ 14.99CA$ 9.99 -33.4%
Weird: The Al Yankovic Story
CA$ 4.99CA$ 2.99 -40.1%
The Godfather Part II
CA$ 19.99CA$ 14.99 -25%