Which movies are on sale right now? | Deals on streaming services

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1 Title
What Happened Was...
CA$ 13.65CA$ 6.82 -50%
500 titles
The Adventures of Tintin
CA$ 24.99CA$ 16.99 -32%
Tropic Thunder
CA$ 16.99CA$ 6.99 -58.9%
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
CA$ 24.99CA$ 14.99 -40%
Mission: Impossible
CA$ 19.99CA$ 6.99 -65%
The Truman Show
CA$ 16.99CA$ 9.99 -41.2%
CA$ 19.99CA$ 14.99 -25%
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
CA$ 31.99CA$ 15.99 -50%
Shutter Island
CA$ 24.99CA$ 6.99 -72%
The Three Musketeers: Milady
CA$ 19.99CA$ 17.99 -10%
CA$ 9.99CA$ 4.99 -50.1%
500 titles
The Adventures of Tintin
CA$ 24.99CA$ 16.99 -32%
Tropic Thunder
CA$ 16.99CA$ 6.99 -58.9%
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
CA$ 24.99CA$ 14.99 -40%
Mission: Impossible
CA$ 19.99CA$ 6.99 -65%
The Truman Show
CA$ 16.99CA$ 9.99 -41.2%
CA$ 19.99CA$ 14.99 -25%
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
CA$ 31.99CA$ 15.99 -50%
Shutter Island
CA$ 24.99CA$ 6.99 -72%
The Three Musketeers: Milady
CA$ 19.99CA$ 17.99 -10%
CA$ 9.99CA$ 4.99 -50.1%
353 titles
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
CA$ 24.99CA$ 14.99 -40%
Bad Moms
CA$ 19.99CA$ 14.99 -25%
CA$ 5.99CA$ 4.99 -16.7%
Body Cam
CA$ 14.99CA$ 12.99 -13.3%
Avengers: Endgame
CA$ 51.99CA$ 22.99 -55.8%
Grown Ups 2
CA$ 4.99CA$ 3.99 -20%
Idle Hands
CA$ 14.99CA$ 12.99 -13.3%
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
CA$ 14.99CA$ 12.99 -13.3%
CA$ 4.99CA$ 3.99 -20%
Air Force One
CA$ 4.99CA$ 3.99 -20%
433 titles
The Adventures of Tintin
CA$ 24.99CA$ 16.99 -32%
Tropic Thunder
CA$ 14.99CA$ 6.99 -53.4%
Mission: Impossible
CA$ 19.99CA$ 6.99 -65%
The Truman Show
CA$ 16.99CA$ 9.99 -41.2%
CA$ 19.99CA$ 14.99 -25%
Shutter Island
CA$ 24.99CA$ 6.99 -72%
Beverly Hills Cop
CA$ 19.99CA$ 16.99 -15%
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
CA$ 19.99CA$ 9.99 -50%
World War Z
CA$ 19.99CA$ 16.99 -15%
I Love You, Man
CA$ 16.99CA$ 9.99 -41.2%
392 titles
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
CA$ 24.99CA$ 14.99 -40%
Bad Moms
CA$ 19.99CA$ 14.99 -25%
CA$ 5.99CA$ 4.99 -16.7%
Body Cam
CA$ 14.99CA$ 12.99 -13.3%
The Three Musketeers
CA$ 19.99CA$ 17.99 -10%
The Equalizer 2
CA$ 29.99CA$ 14.99 -50%
Avengers: Endgame
CA$ 51.99CA$ 22.99 -55.8%
Grown Ups 2
CA$ 4.99CA$ 3.99 -20%
Idle Hands
CA$ 14.99CA$ 12.99 -13.3%
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
CA$ 14.99CA$ 12.99 -13.3%
26 titles
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
CA$ 31.99CA$ 15.99 -50%
CA$ 9.99CA$ 4.99 -50.1%
The Flash
CA$ 34.99CA$ 31.99 -8.6%
CA$ 30.99CA$ 15.99 -48.4%
The Amazing Spider-Man
CA$ 25.99CA$ 15.99 -38.5%
Falling Down
CA$ 11.99CA$ 10.99 -8.3%
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
CA$ 31.99CA$ 17.99 -43.8%
Shrek Forever After
CA$ 64.99CA$ 14.99 -76.9%
The Fly
CA$ 14.99CA$ 9.99 -33.4%
CA$ 20.99CA$ 14.99 -28.6%
52 titles
Tropic Thunder
CA$ 16.99CA$ 6.99 -58.9%
The Three Musketeers: Milady
CA$ 19.99CA$ 17.99 -10%
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
CA$ 14.99CA$ 12.99 -13.3%
CA$ 16.99CA$ 7.99 -53%
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
CA$ 17.99CA$ 9.99 -44.5%
The Departed
CA$ 14.99CA$ 7.99 -46.7%
The Invitation
CA$ 19.99CA$ 14.99 -25%
CA$ 14.99CA$ 4.99 -66.7%
CA$ 14.99CA$ 7.99 -46.7%
Charlie's Angels
CA$ 14.99CA$ 4.99 -66.7%