The Poltergeist series, which began with the 1982 classic directed by Tobe Hooper and produced by Steven Spielberg, has left a significant mark on supernatural horror. The story focuses on a suburban family haunted by malevolent spirits, particularly centering around the youngest daughter, Carol Anne. The franchise is known for its eerie imagery, memorable performances, and blending of ghost stories with commentary on modern family life. Here’s how to watch the Poltergeist movies in order and find out where to stream them in India.
How to watch the Poltergeist movies in chronological order
The Poltergeist movies are fairly simple to watch in the sense that they can be watched in the same order as their release date. Each of the three movies are easily numbered, making the franchise much less confusing than other horror classics like Halloween or The Exorcist.
In 2015, the first film received a remake which can be watched as a standalone film.
- Poltergeist (1982)
- Poltergeist II: The Other Side (1986)
- Poltergeist III (1988)
- Poltergeist (2015)
The original movie introduces the Freeling family, whose lives are disrupted by ghosts when their home becomes the target of supernatural forces. Carol Anne, the youngest daughter, is abducted into a spiritual dimension, and her family must rescue her with the help of paranormal investigators. The film is known for its mix of family drama and horror, as well as its iconic line, "They're here."
Set a year after the events of the first film, the Freeling family is once again plagued by supernatural forces. This time, the spirits are led by Reverend Kane, a malevolent ghost who seeks to capture Carol Anne. The film expands on the mythology of the ghosts and delves into the history of the haunted land on which their home was built.
In the third installment, Carol Anne moves in with relatives in a high-rise apartment building, but the spirits continue to pursue her. The film takes the haunting into an urban setting and marks the final appearance of Carol Anne as the central figure of the franchise.
The 2015 reboot reimagines the original story with a modern setting, focusing on a new family haunted by poltergeists. While the basic premise remains similar to the 1982 version, the remake incorporates updated special effects and technology but is often seen as a more straightforward horror film compared to the subtle, emotional layers of the original.
Watching the Poltergeist movies in order is a journey through horror history. The original trilogy stands as a benchmark of supernatural cinema, while the 2015 remake offers a modern take on the haunting tale.
Where to watch the Poltergeist movies online
The release order is the same as chronological order when it comes to the Poltergeist movies. The list below shows you all the streaming platforms where you can watch these classic horrors online in India. Our guide also shows you all the services where you can buy, rent, or even watch them for free.