Which movies are on sale right now? | Deals on streaming services

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2 titles
Away You Go
$3.99$2.99 -25.1%
The Student
$8.99$7.99 -11.1%
3 titles
Maze Runner: The Death Cure
$25.99$14.99 -42.3%
Dragon Ball Super: Broly
$3.59$2.89 -19.5%
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul
$34.99$14.99 -57.2%
3 titles
Dolphin Kick
$4.99$2.99 -40.1%
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul
$34.99$14.99 -57.2%
Love on the Run
$12.99$9.99 -23.1%
18 titles
$5.99$3.59 -40.1%
Attention Attention
$12.99$5.99 -53.9%
The Intruder
$5.99$1.99 -66.8%
$4.99$3.59 -28.1%
$19.99$19.79 -1%
The Vatican Tapes
$4.29$3.79 -11.7%
$4.19$3.79 -9.5%
Kevin Smith: Silent but Deadly
$2.99$1.99 -33.4%
LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League vs. Bizarro League
$4.29$3.99 -7%
$9.99$5.00 -49.9%