The X-Men movies have endured as one of the longest-running superhero franchises, introducing filmgoers to Marvel’s iconic team of mutant heroes. With thirteen films so far, the X-Men franchise are instantly recognizable by performances like Hugh Jackman as the clawed-mutant Wolverine and Sir Ian McKellen as the magnetism-powered villain Magneto.
However, for beginners to the franchise, the sequence of the movies can be confusing with multiple timeline changes and alternate sequels. To help you find the perfect viewing order, this streaming guide brings shows the X-Men movies' chronological and release orders, as well as how to watch each era of the X-Men movie franchise separately. We'll also show you where to watch every X-Men movie online on streaming services in India.
How to watch the X-Men movies in chronological order
The X-Men franchise's chronological story spans several decades, starting int he 1960s and finishing in the future. To watch all the X-Men movies in the right chronology, check out the list below:
While you can watch The New Mutants as a standalone movie, every other X-Men movie belongs to a distinct era – including the prequel era, the original X-Men movies, the Wolverine trilogy and the Deadpool trilogy. This can help in simplifying your streaming experience and find the best X-Men movie for your watchlist.
How to watch the prequel X-Men movies in order
To understand the origins of the X-Men as a team, you will have to start with X-Men: First Class. Next in line is X-Men: Days of Future Past. While the time-travel thriller includes both past and future versions of the X-Men, most of the action is set in 1973 after First Class.
X-Men: Apocalypse and X-Men: Dark Phoenix conclude the early X-Men saga, focusing yet again on the team’s first version that was introduced in First Class. This team was led by a much-younger Charles Xavier, the telepath mutant played by James McAvoy and the shapeshifter Mystique who is played by Jennifer Lawrence. Xavier’s friend-turned-enemy Magneto also features significantly in these movies, portrayed by Michael Fassbender.
How to watch the original X-Men movies in order
The early 2000s X-Men movies can be watched next as they feature a newer version of the team. This phase of the franchise began with X-Men and continued with X2: X-Men United and X-Men 3: The Last Stand. Three of these movies featured Wolverine leading the team along with other classic members like Storm, Cyclops, and Jean Grey. Both Xavier and Magneto were depicted as much older in this trilogy, played by Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen respectively.
While these three movies were the first to be released theatrically, they can be watched later to maintain chronology.
How to watch the Wolverine trilogy in order
X-Men: Origins Wolverine is a standalone origin story set in 1979, exploring the evolution of Hugh Jackman’s titular hero. Jackman is synonymous with the X-Men movies, considering how his character Wolverine has appeared in almost each of the X-Men movies. Viewers can then jump to The Wolverine, a standalone Wolverine adventure that finds the mutant traveling to Japan to revisit his past. Logan marks the end of the Wolverine trilogy, set in a future where Wolverine is aging and most of the X-Men are dead.
How to watch the Deadpool trilogy in order
The Deadpool movies act as spin-offs to the X-Men movies. The Deadpool franchise features Ryan Reynolds as the foul-mouthed, comedic antihero Deadpool. While he’s not an X-Man himself, his mercenary missions often find him teaming up with X-Men like Colossus.
The Deadpool movies are set in the same universe as X-Men movies but don’t take place in any specific time period. 2016’s Deadpool was followed by Deadpool 2 which later got a parent-friendly version called Once Upon A Deadpool.
The latest Deadpool adventure is the upcoming release Deadpool & Wolverine that teams up the titular mutants. This movie is all the more important as it finally connects the X-Men movies with the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).
How to watch the X-Men movies in release order
We have arranged all the X-Men movies in order of their release date in the list below. You can also find all offers to stream/buy/rent these movies in India in this list. Have an “X-traordinary” binge watch!