Which movies are on sale right now? | Deals on streaming services

Find out which movies are currently on sale on popular streaming services with our complete guide. You can browse through every title on sale or filter your results by streaming service, release year, genre, age rating, price & more.

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43 titles
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
$14.99$12.99 -13.3%
World War Z
$14.99$13.99 -6.7%
Pineapple Express
$13.99$12.99 -7.1%
$9.99$6.99 -30%
The Da Vinci Code
$13.99$9.99 -28.6%
$14.99$9.99 -33.4%
Total Recall
$14.99$13.99 -6.7%
$7.99$4.99 -37.5%
Night of the Living Dead
$14.99$9.99 -33.4%
$9.99$5.99 -40%
500 titles
Spider-Man: No Way Home
$15.29$14.99 -2%
Miss Congeniality
$14.99$4.99 -66.7%
The Little Death
$9.99$2.50 -75%
John Wick
$27.99$14.99 -46.4%
Step Brothers
$21.99$12.99 -40.9%
Almost Famous
$7.99$6.99 -12.5%
La La Land
$3.99$3.79 -5%
Sherlock Holmes
$4.19$3.79 -9.5%
Despicable Me 3
$14.99$1.99 -86.7%
A Star Is Born
$14.99$13.49 -10%
500 titles
Spider-Man: No Way Home
$15.29$14.99 -2%
Miss Congeniality
$14.99$4.99 -66.7%
The Little Death
$9.99$2.50 -75%
John Wick
$27.99$14.99 -46.4%
Step Brothers
$21.99$12.99 -40.9%
Almost Famous
$7.99$6.99 -12.5%
La La Land
$3.99$3.79 -5%
Sherlock Holmes
$4.19$3.79 -9.5%
Despicable Me 3
$14.99$1.99 -86.7%
A Star Is Born
$14.99$13.49 -10%
120 titles
John Wick
$27.99$14.99 -46.4%
Step Brothers
$21.99$12.99 -40.9%
Sherlock Holmes
$3.99$3.79 -5%
Oz the Great and Powerful
$3.99$3.59 -10%
American Pie
$3.99$3.79 -5%
Hot Tub Time Machine
$14.99$14.69 -2%
Maze Runner: The Death Cure
$25.99$14.99 -42.3%
Battle Royale
$3.99$2.99 -25.1%
Inside Out
$3.99$3.79 -5%
$3.99$3.59 -10%
3 titles
$6.99$1.99 -71.5%
Lupin III: The First
$14.99$12.99 -13.3%
The Outpost
$14.99$9.99 -33.4%
124 titles
Step Brothers
$21.99$12.99 -40.9%
Sherlock Holmes
$3.99$3.79 -5%
Despicable Me 3
$14.99$1.99 -86.7%
Oz the Great and Powerful
$3.99$3.59 -10%
American Pie
$3.99$3.79 -5%
Hot Tub Time Machine
$14.99$14.69 -2%
Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation
$25.99$14.99 -42.3%
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
$24.99$9.99 -60%
Battle Royale
$3.99$2.99 -25.1%
Inside Out
$3.99$3.79 -5%
500 titles
Spider-Man: No Way Home
$15.29$14.99 -2%
Miss Congeniality
$14.99$4.99 -66.7%
The Little Death
$9.99$2.50 -75%
Almost Famous
$7.99$6.99 -12.5%
La La Land
$3.99$3.79 -5%
Sherlock Holmes
$4.19$3.79 -9.5%
A Star Is Born
$14.99$13.49 -10%
Trolls World Tour
$14.69$9.99 -32%
$12.99$7.99 -38.5%
Spider-Man: Homecoming
$16.29$14.99 -8%
214 titles
Spider-Man: No Way Home
$14.99$12.99 -13.3%
The Mummy
$14.99$7.99 -46.7%
X-Men: Days of Future Past
$4.99$3.99 -20%
The Hangover
$14.99$12.99 -13.3%
The Martian
$21.99$14.99 -31.8%
Apocalypse Now
$9.99$7.99 -20%
$9.99$7.99 -20%
Léon: The Professional
$14.99$5.99 -60%
Time Changer
$5.99$4.99 -16.7%
$12.99$5.99 -53.9%